IJAO - International Journal Of Advances In Orthopaedics

ISSN (O) : 2663-1806
A CrossRef Indexed Journal DOI : 10.34300/26631792
ISSN (P) : 2663-1792
IC VALUE : 77.22 (2021)
International Journal Of Advances In Orthopaedics

3 Months Old Post-traumatic Stiff Elbow Following Terrible Triad Injury- A Case Report

Dr. A. Ganesh, Dr. Sisir Kumar Sahoo, Dr. Indraneel De, Dr. Aniruddh Dash, Dr. Nikhilkumar Oza, Dr. Udeepto Lodh

  Abstract :

A post-traumatic stiff elbow is a dreaded complication that occurs following a terrible triad injury and has to be managed with prompt management. We report a similar case of the 3 months old post-traumatic stiff elbow following a terrible triad injury which was mismanaged by a quack with traditional treatment. Our aim of treatment was to improve the range of motion along with providing proper vocational needs for the patient. We performed the column's procedure and did anterior & posterior arthrolysis along with ulnar nerve decompression to prevent chances of ulnar nerve neuritis in the future. There was a significant improvement in the range of motion with the help of rigorous physiotherapy and dynamic bracing which helped in quicker rehabilitation of the patient.

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3 MONTHS OLD POST-TRAUMATIC STIFF ELBOW FOLLOWING TERRIBLE TRIAD INJURY- A CASE REPORT, Dr. A.Ganesh, Dr. Sisir Kumar Sahoo, Dr. Indraneel De, Dr. Aniruddh Dash, Dr. Nikhilkumar Oza, Dr. Udeepto Lodh, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN ORTHOPAEDICS : Volume-5 | Issue-3 | August-2021

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